Najat Alshafie نجاة الشافعي

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Black & White

I am half half

black & white.


sometimes I say

my mother is a black knight flying a kite

my father is a white kite flying at night

sometimes I say

my mother is a white kite flying at night

my father is black as a knight flying a kite


I am a mixed race,

so, it does NOT matter who is a black & who is white!

which side of the moon is dark & which side is bright!

I am the 2 sides in a shiny night full of stars.


I keep the secrets hidden in my eyes

throne under my colored skin that never dies

pebbles obstructing my throat

signs on my face, hands & feet

hangers of my coat in the street

ME ME ME is my beat

black & white!

Writing and drawing: Najat Alshafie